Terms and Privacy

Please read carefully the TERMS OF SERVICE of the Bookinstructor.com platform, the PRIVACY STATEMENT of the Bookinstructor.com platform and the PRIVACY POLICY of the Bookinstructor.com platform.

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Terms of Service

of the Bookinstructor.com platform.
Last update: 17.05.2024

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General Terms

Welcome to Bookinstructor.com! Before you dive into our platform, please take a moment to review these updated Terms of Service. By accessing and using our website (https://www.Bookinstructor.com) and its services, you agree to abide by these terms. Bookinstructor.com is operated as a project of JTBizPro Sarl, located at Place de la Gare 1, CP 174, 1964 Conthey, Switzerland. Throughout these terms, when we refer to "us," "we," or "our," we're talking about Bookinstructor.com.

Your access to and use of Bookinstructor.com is conditioned upon your acceptance of these Terms. They apply to all visitors, users, and anyone else who interacts with our platform.

Bookinstructor.com provides users and visitors with an Instructor Profile Database (the “Profiles”) and an Online Booking Platform (the "Platform").

Our service allows users to register and activate an account as a client, an instructor, or a Snowsports school (the “Clients”).

Registered users with activated accounts are considered members of Bookinstructor.com (the "Members", "Member"), with membership on the platform ("Membership").

From their activated accounts, clients can request and confirm bookings of activities and services (“Bookings”).

These activities and services are offered to clients through the Profiles by users registered on the platform as instructors (the “Instructors”, the “Instructor”). Instructors may act as both clients and instructors on the platform.

Clients do not have profiles on the platform. They can create Bookings through their client accounts.

Activated accounts of registered Snowsports schools (the “Schools”, the “School”) have profiles on the platform. School profiles promote the Profiles of the Instructors associated with them. Schools can create Bookings through their accounts.

By accessing and using Bookinstructor.com, YOU, the user (the “User”, “You”, “Your”), acknowledge that you have carefully read and understood these Terms and AGREE to be bound by them.

You must be at least 18 years old to use our service. If you're under 18, you may not access or use Bookinstructor.com.

You understand and agree that the contractual agreements for Bookings and the provision of activities and services are solely between the Instructor and the Client. Bookinstructor.com is not a party to these agreements or any financial transactions between Instructors and Clients. We disclaim any liability related to these transactions.

We have no control over the conduct of Instructors, Clients, Schools, or other users of Bookinstructor.com.

You may need to accept additional terms and conditions from Instructors, their employers, or Schools. These terms supplement our Terms of Service.

By using our service, you agree to the disclosure of your personal information as outlined in our Privacy Policy.

Our Terms of Service are provided in English only. By using Bookinstructor.com, you accept the English version as the official version.

Bookinstructor.com accepts no responsibility and disclaims any liability for unauthorized use of the platform.

If you disagree with any part of these Terms, you may not use Bookinstructor.com. Violation of these Terms may result in civil or criminal penalties.

Service Description

Bookinstructor.com aims to facilitate Instructors in promoting and offering activities and services through Profiles, and to enable Clients to book these activities and services through the Platform.

Profiles are accessible to Clients and other users upon approval of the corresponding Instructor account. Instructors are responsible for ensuring they have the necessary qualifications, licenses, and permits required by the resort and country where they operate.

Our responsibility is to provide the Platform for Clients to make Bookings and to make Profiles available for Bookings upon approval.

Bookings are made at the risk of Instructors and Clients. Bookinstructor.com acts solely as a connector between Instructors and Clients and is not a party to any Booking agreements. We disclaim any liability related to Bookings or financial transactions between Instructors and Clients.

Account Registration

To access certain features, users must register and activate an account.

Clients, Instructors, and Schools can create accounts by completing the respective registration forms. Information provided during registration is subject to our Privacy Policy.

Clients can create accounts upon completing the registration form and confirming their email address.

Instructors can create accounts upon completing the registration form and confirming their email address. Instructor profiles become available upon approval by Bookinstructor.com.

Schools can create accounts upon completing the registration form and confirming their email address. School profiles become available upon approval by Bookinstructor.com.

You are responsible for maintaining the security of your account. We do not use third-party login plugins for added security.

You must provide accurate and up-to-date information. We reserve the right to modify or delete accounts at our discretion.

By registering, you agree to receive communications from us regarding your account, Bookings, and updates.

Unprofessional behavior may result in account deactivation or termination without notice.

Account Approval

Instructor accounts are approved upon meeting the following criteria:

      1. Valid license and qualifications for offered activities and services.
      2. Valid work permit if self-employed, or confirmation of employment if working for a School.
      3. Payment of membership fees.

School accounts are approved upon payment of membership fees.

We may conduct random checks of provided qualifications and permits. Instructors must provide valid documentation during registration and membership renewal.

We reserve the right to report any violations of our Terms to the appropriate authorities and to deactivate or delete accounts as necessary.

By using Bookinstructor.com, you agree to hold us harmless for any actions or omissions of other members or third parties.

Account Profiles

Client accounts do not have profiles.

Instructor profiles are available upon approval of corresponding accounts. Instructors are responsible for the content of their profiles and must ensure compliance with any agreements with employers.

School profiles are available upon approval of corresponding accounts. Schools are responsible for maintaining accurate and up-to-date information.

Account Links

Instructor and School accounts may be linked on the platform.

Instructors may create links during registration, account editing, or membership renewal.

Links are established if Schools confirm employment of Instructors.

Schools may create links during registration or account editing.

Links are established if Instructors confirm employment by Schools.

It is the responsibility of both parties to maintain accurate links. We accept no liability for incorrect or outdated links.


By creating an account on Bookinstructor.com, you become a Member of the Service. We offer three membership categories: registered client, Instructor, and School membership.

Registered client membership is free and lasts indefinitely unless otherwise requested.

Instructor membership requires payment of a set fee. Your instructor account will only be approved upon full payment of the membership fee, which can be viewed in the membership information section of the Service.

For Instructor membership, there are two options available for testing the Service: Yearlong and Seasonal memberships.

  • Yearlong membership: Available for selection in instructor registration until December 31, 2024. This membership is valid until May 31, 2025, and is free of charge during the testing period. However, starting from October 1, 2024, instructor profiles will only be visible if the account is approved by the Service.
  • Seasonal membership: Begins from the day the instructor account is approved for the selected membership period. It expires on May 31 of the corresponding membership period year for the Northern Hemisphere, or on November 31 of the corresponding membership period year for the Southern Hemisphere. Instructors may opt for multiple seasons, with additional season memberships available at a reduced price. Membership is valid only if the instructor account is approved by the Service. No notification email regarding membership expiry is sent. If membership is not renewed, the instructor profile is deactivated, although the account remains active and editable by the Instructor. The instructor account may be deactivated and fully erased upon request.

School membership also requires payment of a set fee. Approval of the school account is contingent upon full payment of the membership fee, which can be viewed in the membership information section of the Service.

School membership is valid for one year from the first day of the month following school account approval. If registered before December 31, 2024, school membership is free until May 31, 2025. If registered on or after January 1, 2025, school membership is only valid if the school account is approved by the Service. A notification email to renew membership will be sent to the registered email address a month prior to membership expiry. If membership is not renewed, the school profile is deactivated, though the account remains active and editable by the School. The school account may be deactivated and fully erased upon request.

No additional charges or payments, such as commission for bookings or provider expenses, occur on the Service. The membership fee is the only expense for Instructors and Schools on the Service.

We reserve the right to adjust the membership fee price at any time, at our sole discretion, without notification or liability.

Booking Terms

Clients may create bookings with Instructors on the Platform. The booking process is described on the Service.

There are no fees, commissions, or charges from the Service for bookings or the use of the booking process.

You understand and agree that the legal contract for bookings and the supply of activities and services is solely between the Instructor and the Client. The Service is not a contracting party for bookings or for Instructor activities and services.

Clients may cancel or confirm bookings during the booking process, while Instructors may mark themselves as available or unavailable for bookings. The Service accepts no responsibility or liability for cancellations of bookings or Instructor availability. Cancellations or unavailability during the booking process are communicated to the Instructor and the Client via email. Cancellations that occur after the booking is confirmed and the booking process is finished are the sole responsibility of the parties involved. The Service accepts no responsibility or liability for cancellations occurring outside of the Service. Any expenses resulting from cancellations are to be settled directly between the Client and Instructor.

Instructors inform Clients of the exact full price of the booking during the booking process. The Service accepts no responsibility or liability for false booking prices given during the booking process. Clients accept the booking price by confirming the booking.

All payments or transactions for bookings are the sole responsibility of the Instructor and the Client. The Service is not a party to financial or any other transactions between Instructors and Clients. The Service disclaims any liability arising from or in connection with such transactions.

You may have to accept terms and conditions of third parties associated with the Service. Any and all such terms and conditions are in addition to the Terms of Service. Instructors and Clients are solely responsible for any required deposits, payments, and transactions arising from third-party terms and conditions regarding bookings. The Service disclaims any liability arising from or in connection with such deposits, payments, and transactions.

The Service and Instructors cannot be held liable for circumstances beyond their control, such as bad weather or course closures during the booking period. It is the Client's sole responsibility to have adequate insurance cover in place for such circumstances.


You are solely responsible for all materials or information you provide or upload to the Service (the "Content").

Spam, unsolicited commercial messages, or unreasonably large data volume loads are strictly prohibited and may result in deactivation or deletion of your account without notification or liability.

We reserve the right to take any actions with respect to the Content if we believe it will create liability or breach the Terms.

You confirm that the Content you add does not infringe any rights, violate any laws, contain false information, or include malicious software.

If any of the above is breached, we reserve the right to report any violations to the appropriate authorities and deactivate or delete your account without notification or liability.

We may, at our sole discretion, edit, disable, or delete any Content you have posted or submitted. If you cause any loss or damage to the Service due to your Content, you are liable to the Service.

We do not undertake any obligation to control the Content posted on the Service and disclaim any liability related to such Content. You release the Service from any liability for loss or damage resulting from the Content you posted.

We recommend verifying all information obtained from the Service. Any communication or agreements between users are solely at your own risk, with the Service having no responsibility or liability.

Limitation of Liability

We do not confirm any user's identity. You are solely responsible for determining the identity and suitability of others you interact with via the Service. We are not responsible for any harm or damage resulting from your interactions with other users.

We disclaim any liability for any loss or damage arising from your use of the Service, including but not limited to loss of profits, data, or business.


You agree to indemnify and hold the Service and associated parties harmless from any claims, liabilities, damages, or expenses arising from your use of the Service.

Service Termination

We reserve the right to terminate or suspend access to the Service immediately, at our sole discretion, for any reason, including if you breach the Terms.

All provisions of the Terms that should survive termination will remain in effect, including indemnity and limitations of liability.

Links to Other Websites

The Service may contain links to third-party websites or services that are not owned or controlled by us.

We have no control over, and assume no responsibility or liability for, the content, privacy policies, or practices of any third-party websites or services. You acknowledge and agree that we are not responsible or liable, directly or indirectly, for any damage or loss caused, or alleged to be caused, by or in connection with the use of or reliance on any such content, goods, or services available on or through any such websites or services.

Modifications or Replacements

We reserve the right, at our sole discretion and without notification or liability, to modify or replace these Terms at any time. If a revision is material, we will attempt to provide at least 14 days notice prior to any new terms taking effect. What constitutes a material change will be determined at our sole discretion. We update the "Last Update" date when any modifications are made. By continuing to access or use the Service after modifications or replacements are posted, with or without notice, you agree to be bound by the modified Terms. If you do not accept the modified Terms, then, as stated in the Terms of Service agreement, you may not access the Service. Failure to use the Service in accordance with the Terms may subject you to civil and criminal penalties.

Applicable Law and Jurisdiction

Any dispute arising from the Terms of Service will be settled by the courts of Canton du Valais, Switzerland.

The failure of the Service, and of the operating company JTBizPro Sarl, to enforce any right or provision of the Terms will not constitute a waiver of the future enforcement of the right or provision. If, for any reason, an arbitrator or a court of competent jurisdiction finds any provision of the Terms invalid or unenforceable, that provision will be enforced to the maximum extent permissible, and all other provisions of the Terms will remain in full force and effect.

Contact Us

If you have any questions or suggestions regarding the Terms, contact us by email at admin@bookinstructor.com or in writing to Bookinstructor.com, Project of JTBizPro Sarl, Place de la Gare 1, CP 174, 1964 Conthey, Switzerland.


Privacy Statement

Last update: 17.05.2024

By selecting the box "I agree to personal data processing according to the Privacy Statement" in the client, instructor, or school registration form on the Bookinstructor.com platform, and by submitting the registration form, you agree to the processing of your personal data as provided in the registration form.

The data is processed by Bookinstructor.com, a project operated by JTBizPro Sarl, Place de la Gare 1, CP 174, 1964 Conthey, Switzerland, under the brand name Bookinstructor.com.

Purpose of Data Collection:
The personal data collected is used to create accounts for clients, instructors, and Snowsports schools, and to establish profiles for instructors and Snowsports schools on the Bookinstructor.com platform. These profiles promote the services and products offered by instructors and Snowsports schools, informing users and viewers of Bookinstructor.com about these offers. Registered clients, instructors, and Snowsports schools can create bookings for instructor services and products via these profiles. Bookings are processed and saved within the respective accounts on the Bookinstructor.com platform.

By selecting the box "I agree to personal data processing according to the Privacy Statement" in the registration form, you voluntarily consent to the processing of your personal data. You may withdraw this consent at any time and request the controller to erase all your personal data from the Bookinstructor.com platform and services. In the event of a breach of the controller’s obligation to erase your personal data, you are entitled to file a complaint with the Data Protection Authority, the supervisory authority.

All detailed privacy information, including the controller's contact information, please refer to the Privacy Policy section of the Bookinstructor.com platform.


Privacy Policy

Last update: 17.05.2024

This privacy policy provides information regarding the processing of personal data when using the Bookinstructor.com website and related services.



Processing of Personal Data

Personal data, as defined by Article 4 of the EU General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR), refers to any information relating to an identified or identifiable natural person ("You", "Your"), such as name, address, email address, etc.

Bookinstructor.com, operated by JTBizPro Sarl, Place de la Gare 1, CP 174, 1964 Conthey, Switzerland, processes your data. We collect personal data you provide via registration forms, including full name, email address, gender, telephone number, country of residence, date of birth, Instagram URL, website, profile picture, photos and videos in your gallery, "about me" information, resorts where you teach, disciplines and levels taught, age groups taught, teaching languages, lesson prices, special offers, booking terms and conditions, licenses, permits, and employer information. Not all requested data are mandatory. Data may be erased upon request to the controller.

As an instructor or school registered on Bookinstructor.com, some personal data you provide will be used to create a publicly visible profile. You can edit profile data anytime using your account settings. Booking information is stored and can be erased upon request. Certain data may be shared with third parties involved in the booking process.

Upon booking confirmation, your full name, email address, and phone number (if provided) will be included in the booking summary accessible to the booked instructor, the client, and the associated Snowsports school.

We store your data on servers operated by Scala Hosting LLC, Dallas, Texas, VAT Number: EU100001215.


The data controller is JTBizPro Sarl, Place de la Gare 1, CP 174, 1964 Conthey, Switzerland. For data protection inquiries, contact:

Email: admin@bookinstructor.com

Postal address:
Data Protection Officer
JTBizPro Sarl​
Place de la Gare 1, CP 174
1964 Conthey

Rights of the Data Subject

Under Articles 15-22 GDPR, you have the following rights:

  • Right of access,
  • Right to rectification and erasure,
  • Right to restriction of processing,
  • Right to data portability,
  • Right to object.

You also have the right to lodge a complaint with a supervisory authority regarding the processing of your personal data.

Disclosure to Authority

We may disclose information about you to authorities or law enforcement if required by law.

Collection and Processing of Personal Data

When visiting our website without registering or providing information, we collect data transmitted by your browser to our server to display our website and ensure stability and security. Data is processed by internal departments and may be shared with affiliated companies or external service providers.

Legal basis: Article 6(1)(b) GDPR.


We use cookies and other technologies on your computer when visiting our website. Cookies are small text files stored on your device to save information or image files. They help us design and display the website according to your preferences.

Types of cookies used:

  • Strictly necessary cookies (Type A)
  • Functionality, performance, and marketing cookies (Type B)
  • Consent-based cookies (Type C)

Strictly Necessary Cookies (Type A)

Strictly necessary cookies are essential for the proper functioning of our website. These first-party cookies ensure that you can use our web pages as intended. For example, they allow registered users to remain logged in across various subpages without needing to re-enter their login details each time they access a new page.

The use of strictly necessary cookies does not require your consent. Consequently, these cookies cannot be individually activated or deactivated. However, you can disable cookies entirely in your browser settings at any time.

Legal basis: Art. 6 (1) b GDPR.

Functionality, Performance and Marketing Cookies (Type B)

Functionality Cookies: These cookies allow our website to remember information you have already provided, such as your registered name or language selection, to offer you improved and more personalized features. These cookies only collect and store anonymous information and do not track your movements on other websites.

Performance Cookies: These cookies gather information about how our website is used to enhance its attractiveness, content, and functionality. For example, they help us understand which subpages are visited, what content interests users, the number of visits, the order of pages visited, search terms that led you to our site, and the geographical location of visitors. This information enables us to tailor our website content to better meet user needs and optimize our offerings. The IP address collected for technical reasons is anonymized and cannot be traced back to individual users.

Consent-based Cookies (Type C)

Cookies that are not strictly necessary (Type A) or classified as functionality or performance cookies (Type B) will only be used with your explicit consent. This includes marketing cookies, which are third-party cookies used to collect information about the websites you visit to create targeted advertising.

Opt-out for Online Advertising Cookies: You can manage cookies used for online advertising through consumer choice tools provided by self-regulation programs in various countries, such as the US-based aboutads.info/choices or the EU-based youronlinechoices.com.

You can withdraw your consent for consent-based cookies (Type C) at any time with future effect by adjusting your cookie settings.

Legal basis: Art. 6 (1) a GDPR.

Administration and Deletion of All Cookies

You can configure your web browser to prevent cookies from being saved to your device altogether or to prompt you each time a cookie is set. You can also delete cookies that have already been set at any time. Detailed instructions can be found in your browser’s help function.

Please note that disabling cookies generally may result in functional limitations of our website.

Google Analytics

Our website uses Google Analytics, which involves storing cookies on your device to analyze website usage. Information is transmitted to and stored on Google servers in the USA. We use IP anonymization to ensure your IP address is shortened within the EU. You can opt out of Google Analytics by adjusting your browser settings or using Google's opt-out tools.

For further information:
Google Analytics Terms of Service: Google Analytics Terms
Google Privacy Policy: Google Privacy

Legal basis: Article 6(1)(f) GDPR.

YouTube Videos

We embed YouTube videos on our website. When you play these videos, YouTube collects data about your website usage. This data may be linked to your Google account if you are logged in.

For more details, refer to YouTube's privacy policy: YouTube Privacy

Online Advertising

Google Remarketing

We use Google Remarketing to display ads to you based on your previous visits to our website. Google uses cookies to track your usage behavior. You can opt out of Google Remarketing through your browser settings or Google's opt-out tools.

Legal basis: Article 6(1)(f) GDPR.

DoubleClick by Google

DoubleClick uses cookies to display ads and track ad performance. You can opt out of DoubleClick tracking through your browser settings or Google's opt-out tools.

Legal basis: Article 6(1)(f) GDPR.

Facebook Custom Audiences

We use Facebook Custom Audiences to display ads to you on Facebook based on your website usage. You can opt out through Facebook's ad settings.

Legal basis: Article 6(1)(f) GDPR.

Google Tag Manager

Google Tag Manager manages website tags. It does not use cookies or collect personal data.


When you contact us, we store and process the data you provide to respond to your inquiries. Data may be shared with internal departments or external service providers as necessary.

Legal basis: Article 6(1)(b) GDPR.


Our newsletter provides personalized information about our products, services, and promotions. You can unsubscribe at any time using the link in each newsletter or by contacting us at admin@bookinstructor.com.

Legal basis: Article 6(1)(a) GDPR.

Login Account and Profile

We collect personal data to create and manage client, instructor, or Snowsports school accounts and profiles. Data may be erased upon request. Inactive accounts are deleted after 18 months.

Legal basis: Article 6(1)(a) GDPR.

Rating and Reviews

Registered users can submit ratings and reviews of our services. Reviews may be published with your permission and are reviewed before publication. We may delete comments deemed unlawful.

Legal basis: Article 6(1)(f) GDPR.

Objection or Withdrawal

You can withdraw your consent for data processing at any time. If processing is based on legitimate interests, you may object by providing reasons for the objection. We will review and respond to your objection accordingly.

Modifications or Replacements

We reserve the right to modify this privacy policy at any time. Significant changes will be notified at least 14 days in advance. The "Last update" date will be revised accordingly. Continued use of Bookinstructor.com signifies acceptance of the updated policy. If you do not accept the modifications, refer to our Terms of Service for further instructions.


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